Ignite Human Development Movement
"For The People, By The People"
Where Business and Humanity join Hands.
Join the World's Largest
Humanitarian Movement
The best way to explain the Ignite Human Development Program is to start out by talking about its founder, Neo Wright. Neo is a "movement guy".
He believes there are no limits placed on any of us and that we are capable of anything we set our minds to.
"One thing that I want people to understand about this incredible mission is that this project is huge. This is the largest humanitarian project ever created."
- Neo Wright

Our Mission
Our mission statement is to bring people together from ALL walks of life and have them join hands, love one another, respect one another, and work together to make OUR world a better place.
What We Do
The Ignite Human Development Program
When someone asks the question "What do we do?" I respond by saying "A lot!" but here are some specific details.
We do three things.
1. Help nonprofits, corporations, schools, and churches create more revenue, which will help them THRIVE.
2. We build a community within these entities by encouraging the people to work together and become PARTNERS. By doing this, we believe that by working together and joining HANDS, anything can be accomplished.
3. We make the world a better place by "GIVING". Part of the I.H.D.M. Platform consists of having access to a "LARGE" humanitarian movement. In fact, it is the largest ever created. Countless charitable organizations all around the world will benefit from this incredible movement.